i dont think god made man just from dirt--i reckon He mixed a good portion of dog shit in the mix.
stan livedeath
JoinedPosts by stan livedeath
Why Did God Create Us?
by Sea Breeze injesus is the creator god, but why did he create us?
what say you?.
The Watchtower—Study Edition | January 2025 Husbands, Honor Your Wife
by RULES & REGULATIONS in14 a husband who physically or verbally abuses his wife needs to take additional steps to repair his relationship with jehovah and with his wife.
what are these steps?
first, he recognizes that he has a serious problem.
stan livedeath
my first wife--a born in jw. --was a nightmare. I was THE physically abused husband: Punched on the nose when fast asleep--nearly stabbed in the chest with a kitchen knife. Totally controlled in what i could do--see--watch--read.
Married 13 long years till i provided her with the perfect "scriptural divorce reason"
Turned our kids against me using that cult as a reason.
But i'm still here--40 years later.
Why Did God Create Us?
by Sea Breeze injesus is the creator god, but why did he create us?
what say you?.
stan livedeath
i think we are all just figments of our imagination.
What makes a cult (in the pejorative sense)?
by Vanderhoven7 inmichael moore writes:.
a cult is an organization that enslaves minds and destroys families using cult mind control.
cult mind control involves orchestrated deception, social pressure, psychological abuse, and repetitive indoctrination (brainwashing) centering around an unchallengeable ideology enforced in a totalitarian way in a closed socially-separatist community setting.
stan livedeath
stan livedeath2 years ago
isnt the phrase " conservative christian sect" more appropriate ?
5 dislikes !
But i cant claim credit for that phrase
i was only quoting the phrase Simon wrote in another thread sometime back.
New here
by AdamCzarnobay ini left the organization in 2017.. was in several congregations in the north west of england.
i just wanted to say thank you to all of you that have posted on here over the years, it really helped me to see the truth about the organization.
i lurked here for many years under an anonymous login and then finally plucked up the courage to write my disassociation letter.. adam.
stan livedeath
Welcome from the south of England…isle of Wight
Who Directs the Activitie$ and Doctrines of the Hovering Body?
by Sea Breeze injehovah’s witnesses boast that theirs is a “spirit-directed organization”.. see w88 3/1 pp.
10-17 (my life in jehovah’s spirit-directed organization).
they believe that their deceased founder, charles taze russell (who faced legal action by his wife for inappropriate behavior in his maids bedroom), is directing the modern-day work of jehovah’s witnesses.. after the founder, c t russell died, it was stated that he was still directing the work from heaven.. "though pastor russell has passed beyond the veil, he is still managing every feature of the harvest work.
stan livedeath
** Referring to speculation by some on the "Where's Tony?" thread that Tony is sleeping with the fishes.
i think i made that comment. But it wasnt from inside knowledge
Discouraging JWs From Calling
by NotFormer ini was reading an anti cult reddit post where a woman (ex mormon) was trying her hardest to discourage the mormons from visiting her and trying to convert her back.
a few others chimed in about their various methods (coming to the door naked, pretending to be practicing black magic, etc.
) which they claimed would have the mormons and jws running away as fast as possible.. somehow, i doubt it.
stan livedeath
😳 How did you and your offsider react to that? Did you say something like: "I can see you're busy with other things. We'll call back another time"
i held out the magazines--he looked at them, swore and slammed the door in my face. Strange that.
The Lunatics Have Taken Over the Asylum
by nicolaou inhttps://youtu.be/on-y9pv-cja?si=lr1dar4yshvymk7a.
just a song i really like.
it don't mean nothin' .
stan livedeath
heres my choice of the worst recording ever--sheer lunacy
Discouraging JWs From Calling
by NotFormer ini was reading an anti cult reddit post where a woman (ex mormon) was trying her hardest to discourage the mormons from visiting her and trying to convert her back.
a few others chimed in about their various methods (coming to the door naked, pretending to be practicing black magic, etc.
) which they claimed would have the mormons and jws running away as fast as possible.. somehow, i doubt it.
stan livedeath
if they are youngsters i just say i'm not interested and say bye. Older ones i sometimes chat to--and let slip i used to be a JW--and see if they bite.